Welcome to TabSplit, a delightfully simple app used to help you split the check after eating out with friends, family, coworkers, you name it.
## Functionality
- Easily see your receipts and the people you dined with to get a glanceable understanding of who needs to pay you back.
- See the details of any check, including each item and its cost, any applicable tax & tip, and who's on the hook for paying you back for each item.
- Assign one or more people to each item, allowing easy splitting for appetizers and shared plates.
- View a detailed breakdown of the receipt including each person, the total value owed, and the value of any unclaimed items on the receipt.
- Check the receipt of each person to see what they ordered, the amount they're responsible for, and their share of the tax & tip.
## FAQ
- Do I have to manually enter each item on the receipt?
- Unfortunately, yes. However, we're working on faster ways of entering your receipt into TabSplit including OCR and other import methods. Stay tuned!
- Do I need to create an account?
- Nope! At the moment, everything is done on-device, so there's no need to create any account. If this changes in the future, you'll be prompted in the app to use the associated features.
## Support
If you have any more questions here, simply email
[email protected] and I'll work to get back to you quickly!